The EmbryoScope procedure allows real-time observation of embryonic development to provide valuable information about the constitution of the embryo and its implantation capacity without interrupting the cultivation of the embryos.

Time-lapse with the EmbryoScope

We are the first center in Lower Saxony to offer you this new procedure of embryo culture & assessment.With this procedure it is possible to observe the development of the embryo under culture conditions in real time and retrospectively.

‍Informationabout the EmbryoScope (Video)‍

‍Embryonic development inthe EmbryoScope (Video)‍

In the context of various fertility therapies, the oocytes or embryos are incubated outside the body in an incubator and during this cultivation the optimal development of the cells/embryos should be ensured. Up to now, the potential of the embryos is assessed on the basis of a few "snapshots" at fixed points in time. However, embryonic development is a highly dynamic process that would provide a variety of information to estimate the developmental potential of the embryos. By using the so-called embryoscope, these short-term, undesirable disturbances in cultivation can be overcome. The new and revolutionary incubation system provides images and videos of each embryo, which are analyzed using special software, without interrupting the cultivation of the embryos. With the help of the high-quality image acquisition system, embyonal development is continuously documented and provides valuable information about the constitution of the embryo and its implantation ability - static observation is replaced by a dynamic process. Through this combination of undisturbed culture of the embryo combined with continuous developmental analysis, we offer our patient couples optimal conditions for their treatment success.

More topics
Causes in man

Unfulfilled fertility in men can be due to various causes.

Legal basis

The Embryo Protection Act regulates the handling of developing human life.