Embryo transfer
Embryo transfer is the process of transferring a fertilized egg into a woman's uterus to enable pregnancy.
Everything you should know about embryo transfer
For many couples, getting pregnant naturally can be a difficult challenge. Fortunately, there are many fertility treatments available today that can help fulfill this desire. One of these treatment options is embryo transfer.
What is embryo transfer?
Embryo transfer is a treatment method in artificial insemination in which fertilized eggs, so-called embryos, are transferred into the woman's uterus. In this process, the embryo is usually placed in the uterus five days after fertilization, when it has developed into a so-called blastocyst. The aim of embryo transfer is to increase the chance of a successful pregnancy if other fertility treatments such as insemination or IVF (in vitro fertilization) have not been successful.
What is the embryo transfer procedure?
Before an embryo transfer, the woman is treated with hormones to control the cycle and facilitate implantation of the embryo. The embryo transfer itself is a simple, painless process performed on an outpatient basis. The embryo is inserted into the uterus using a thin catheter. The woman is then kept under observation for about 20 minutes to ensure that no complications occur.
What is the success rate of embryo transfer?
The success rate of embryo transfer depends on many factors, such as the age of the woman, the quality of the embryos and the type of fertility problems. Usually, the success rate is between 30 and 50 percent per cycle.
Embryo transfer is a promising treatment for couples who have difficulty getting pregnant naturally. Although the process is not always successful, it can offer a good chance of fulfilling your desire to have a child. If you have further questions or are interested in embryo transfer, it is best to contact an experienced fertility specialist who can provide you with individualized advice.
Cryopreservation allows the storage of eggs, sperm or embryos for later use.
IVM is a fertility treatment without hormone stimulation in which immature eggs are collected, cultured and fertilized.